Sir Somerled of Redcliffe

Did you know…
Somerled joined the SCA and was authorised by Jaques du Bar and Rory of the Black Thistle around 1992. He remembers his first event being the Foundation Event for Draksfjord, which was a canton of River Haven. He remembers his first tournament fight was with Rugan Axegrinder and also remembers never being hit so hard or fast before! (Which is probably the memory of many new fighters!)
He received his AOA from Prince Ragnar and Princess Bliss at a Royal Visit to River Haven in September of 1997.
He served as Baron of River Haven with his wife Celia the Fair between November 2002 and July 2006 and received his Court Barony from King Draco and Queen Asa.
Somerled served on the guard of King Alfar and Queen Guthrun in 2006 and later served on the guard of King Bran and Queen Lilya in 2010.
He was squired to Draco of Yorvich in 2007.
He fought in November Crown 2007, came third and was the highest placed unbelted fighter. He was asked to join the Chivalry the next day and knighted by King Hugh and Queen Teresa. This is the only Crown tournament he has ever fought.
He has been the Baronial Champion of River Haven countless times and Archery Champion for River Haven. He is the first Fencing Champion to serve both River Haven and St Florian de la Riviere at the same time. He has also won the title Provost of Lochac for Fencing (which is a particularly important fencing tournament for Lochac!).
Somerled has always been friendly and welcoming. He has travelled and helped new groups and new members. Somerled loves to socialise and get out on the field as either a fencer or a heavy. Some of you may or may not have noticed that his favourite footwear are thongs.