Sir Draco de Euruic

Did you know…
Draco joined the SCA in 1997 in the Barony of River Haven and has been active in both the St Florian de la Riviere and River Haven fighting communities. He received his AOA at the River Haven Baronial Investiture in October 1998 from Prince Alfar and Princess Elspeth (now known as Guthrun). He has also served as River Haven Baronial Marshal.
With his friends, he reinvigorated the Brotherhood of Death and hosted a pas d’armes at Rowany festival twice while at the Tara site.
Draco was squired to Sir Agro d’Agwesi.
He has served Prince Boris’s guard in 1998 and for Prince Gawayne in 2001.
From September 2003 until July 2004, he served as Constanzia’s 3rd Champion.
Draco won May Crown Tourney in 2004 and was the first unbelted fighter to win Crown in Lochac. He was then asked to join the Order of Chivalry and knighted on the same day he stepped up as King in July. (Just as a personal note, I was always immensely proud when my champions were asked to join the Chivalry, I was even more proud to witness the tourney that Draco won. It was a great day!)
He reigned from July 2004 to January 2005 with Serina of the Black Ness (now known as Asa Beiskalda) and received his County from King Stephen and Queen Mathilde.
Draco won the Baronial champions in both River Haven and St Florian de la Rivere multiple times.
In May 2006, he won Crown for the second time and reigned as King from July 2006 and January 2007 with Asa Beiskalda. They received their Duchy’s from King Alfar and Queen Guthrun and he was titled the “Duke of the North”.
Draco served on King Henri’s guard in 2012.
Draco is known for his prowess, for being quiet, and if you get to know him, his wit. He is thoughtful, considerate, and believes in fairness. What he is less commonly known for is to sing such popular ballads as the Jomsviking Song, wearing a dress when called upon, and is generally always up for shenanigans.