Arts and Sciences Gatherings
Our Barony has two official Arts & Sciences Gatherings per month:
ONLINE A&S – second Sunday of every month, on Zoom.
IN PERSON A&S – last Sunday of every month, at the Brisbane Bridge Centre, 104 Frederick St, Annerley (link to map).
If you are interested in attending, please seek details by joining our internal Facebook group or by emailing our Arts and Sciences Officer.
Some of the common Arts and Sciences practiced within our Barony include:

Armouring is a process which is never truly finished, fighters are always changing a little bit here, altering a little bit there and because of this being able to armour is a supremely important skill. While a lot of armour can be bought ready made, there is plenty of options for home made variants. This category bleeds into leatherworking and metalworking a lot, but even if you are not a master craftsman you can still make very protective and efficient kit.
While armouring attempts to achieve a historical look, armourers in the SCA tend to use more modern methods / materials to achieve this end. For example it is very common to use aluminium to create low weight armour with the sheen and protection of metal.
More information on armouring can be found in the Armour archive.
Brewing is one of those arts that is much appreciated by the populace. Every June at the Great Northern War, the great brewers Master Drake Morgan and Duke Alric offer free alcohol that they have spent the year planning, and it is works like these that really shine in the barony.
Brewing within the society covers various different drinks, this includes but is not limited to beers, ales, gruit (herb beers), meads, ciders, wines (both grape and fruit), liqueurs, fortified wines, spirits (where that is legal) and medieval medicinal brews. These brews can be from anywhere around Eurasia, and from many different time periods.
For more information on brewing, you can visit the Lochac Brewers, Vintners and Imbibers Guild.

Calligraphy & Illumination

Calligraphy is a visual art that can be akin to writing. It is generally the design and creation of lettering with a broad tip instrument, dip pen or brush (among other possible writing instruments). Calligraphy often works hand in hand with illumination to create manuscripts with beautiful letterforms, borders and illustrations.
These creations are often made in order to celebrate and award those in the kingdom who particularly stand out, so any work used in this way will treasured for decades by the receiver.
For more information please visit the The Royal College and Confraternity of Scribes and Illuminators of the Kingdom of Lochac.
While a lot of these arts and sciences are not required within the the society, the only rule for attending an event is that you wear and attempt at pre-17th century clothing. While this might seem daunting at first, every group has hospit garb available (loaner clothes) and there are many talented costumers who will take commissions, as well as various merchants. For those that decide to make their own garments though, there is a wealth of options.
Within the society choices for outfits are as wide and varied as possible. While some members wear simple tunics and pants other members deck themselves out in sixteen century Elizabethan fashion, and every step between is covered. Even if you are not experienced with sewing, most basic garments require little effort beyond using a sewing machine in a straight line.
For more information please visit the The Lochac Tailors Guild or the Worshipful Company of Broiderers.

Culinary Arts

Ever wonder how the Norman Conquerers fed their armies? What the Vikings cooked when on their raids? Who invented the meat pie … and why? Food history presents a fascinating buffet of popular lore and contradictory facts. Most foods were not invented; they evolved. Here in the SCA we make food history fun and, of course, tasty!
Many events have a feast in the evening. This is a grand meal – in fact, often several meals served one after another – with multiple courses. The epitome of a modern SCA feast is a collection of heavily researched medieval dishes, prepared by a large volunteer cooking staff, served in several courses, to a multitude of diners. At your first feast, we encourage you to try a little bit of everything! You won’t be familiar with all the foods there, but you’ll be surprised what you find to be a new favorite! Be forewamorerned, because many feasts have multiple courses, pace yourself! You never want to get to the end of a feast, see something amazing you want to eat, and have no more room for it!
For more information please visit the Lochac Cooks Guild.
There are many ways in which the historical art of heraldry plays a role in the Society. Heralds help participants research and construct medieval names from historical sources and design and display heraldic imagery known as devices (commonly called “coats of arms”) and badges.
At our events, heralds often serve as a “master of ceremonies” and can be found delivering announcements, introducing tournament combatants, reading proclamations and scrolls, and more.
For more information please visit the Lochac College of Heralds.


Leathercraft is a very common activity, both those projects that end up in completed pieces of armor and other more artistic endeavors such as leather costume components, pouches, and other accessories.
Metalwork and casting are also common crafting pursuits, from the platesmithing and mailsmithing that results in metal armor to beautifully cast jewelry and coins made of pewter and silver to ornate coronets and crowns worn by our nobility.

Performing Arts

One of the images that comes to mind when we think about the Middle Ages is the image of a troubadour singing lively songs and telling thrilling tales of battles.
Performing arts in the society cover the promotion, encouragement, learning and performance of bardic, theatrical, instrumental and all other entertainment arts within an SCA context.
For more information please visit the The Performers and Entertainers Guild of Lochac.
Woodwork in the Society creates a multitude of useful and beautiful items, from simple and functional chairs and boxes to hand-tooled medallions and signs, to intricately fashioned thrones and even full castle facades and buildings.
For more information please visit the Lochac Woodworkers Guild.

For information on even more arts and sciences guilds in Lochac see the Guilds list.
Some text taken from the SCA Newcomers pages ( Photos from Constanzia M. de Zamora