Sir Agro d’Agwesi

Did you know…
Sir Agro is the Senior Knight of the North! He joined SCA just after festival in 1983 and had the first set of armour in River Haven.
He was knighted: 11 May 1991
Sir Agro served as Baron of River Haven with his wife Glynhyvar, between April 1995 to October 1998.
He has been the St Florian Baronial and River Haven Baronial champions multiple times. He was the first to perform both roles concurrently!
He has also been the Champion of Lochac, defeated by Duke Sirodean in the finals of November Crown 2011.
He is very widely travelled and has been all over Lochac and the Known world. Covid kept he and Glynyhvar away from Pennsic this year but not much else will!! The next Pennsic (whenever that will be) will be their 20th!
Sir Agro is renown for his love of fun, fighting and is a wonderful storyteller. He has had an interest in all things Turtlepower, Pirates, Vikings and Mongols over the years but what has remained consistent is his love of a certain colour green.